Tea Break Twalk |
Current affairs are often discussed in the workplace during
the tea break…
Bob: “I heard that the most popular word of the year is
selfie and it’s going in the dictionary or something.”
Steve: “Never heard of it. What’s it mean?”
Bob: “I think it’s just a picture of yourself; one that
you’ve taken yourself.”
Steve: “Right. How boring.”
Bob: “Another popular word is twerking.”
Steve: “Oh yeah, I know what that is. Stephen Fry is one
of the most popular twerkers; he’s got millions of followers apparently.”
Bob: “No, that’s Twitter – he doesn’t twerk; he tweets.”
Steve: “Oh yeah. Well what’s twerking then?”
Bob: “I think it’s that dance they do these days like
this…” <demonstrates something akin to twerking without spilling his tea>
Steve: “Very nice Bob! But I’d call that twerping not
twerking. Are there any biscuits left?”
Bob: “Only bourbons, do you want one?”
Steve: “Go on then. I’ll take a selfie of me eating it.”
A most entertaining tea break indeed.
Was the demo videoed? I think Juicy J's competition is still open - good prize :)