Friday, 15 November 2013

The U Turn

The U Turn

A couple of weeks ago in ‘Reasons to be Unreasonable’ I described my negative feelings towards an agency worker. Since then my impression of him has changed…
I’ve seen him braving all weathers cycling to and from work in the dark.
I’ve seen him spend several lunch breaks repairing punctures caused by thorns left on the roads after hedge-cutting.
I’ve seen him putting his rubbish in the bin instead of dropping it where he stood.
I’ve seen him stand taller and smile more often.
I’ve even talked with him.
He told me his wife had left him after twenty three years of marriage.
He told me that he feels that twenty three years of his life have been wasted.
He told me that he gave up his job because he couldn’t cope after the breakup of his marriage; he thought that it would be easy to get another job, but it wasn’t.
He told me that he leaves home for work at 7.00 in the morning and gets home at 6.30 in the evening.
He told me that he doesn’t know if he’ll be needed from one week to the next.
He said that although the money isn’t very good, he’d rather work than sit at home.
I admire him and actually quite like him now. He still spits now and then, but who can blame him?
Earlier this week my constantly inspirational friend, Claire, posted a quote (Plato?) which seems very appropriate:
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”

1 comment:

  1. Love the anecdote and the quote. Very inspirational.
